Outdoor lights repaired at the Melford Hazel Sport Complex

Outdoor lights repaired at the Melford Hazel Sport Complex

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth & Sport (ECYS) and by extension the Department of Sports would like to announce the completion of the recent light repairs at the Melford Hazel Sport Complex (MHSC).

On Friday, January 20, 2022, the outdoor lights on the basketball court were officially turned on, marking the completion of the needed works at the facility to ensure access to both the basketball and tennis courts during the evening hours.

The repair of these lights form part of the ongoing maintenance and refurbishment works at the sport facilities including the district courts that are being executed by the National Sports Institute (NSI) on behalf of the Government and with the Government’s funding.  The installation of these lights is also in line with the Department’s sport facilities policy which recommends the usage of LED lighting and easy storage in case of a disaster, as we aim to ensure the longevity and adaptability of our facilities.

On hand for the initial light-up were representatives of the NSI, Siegfried Hodge & Theo van Heynigen, Jonelle Richardson of the Department of Sport, and Henry Frederick of Hemco NV.  Minister of ECYS Rodolphe Samuel was also at the facility to view and meet with users, who expressed their satisfaction with the installation.  We would like to thank the NSI for their continued hard work and Hemco NV for a job well done.  This is by no means the end of what is needed at the facilities, and we will keep the general public informed as more is done to ensure accessibility and safe usage.
